Recommending the following:
1. FIRST READING of bill to amend the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget by 1) increasing the estimated revenues for Interfund Transfers by $201,307; 2) increasing Carryover/Savings from the Sewer Fund by $201,307; 3) increasing Carryover/Savings from the Solid Waste Management Fund by $429,737; 4) amending Section 3.B.3.c., Department of Environmental Management, by increasing the Wastewater Operations Program - Sewer Fund, by $201,307 under Category B (Operations), and adjusting the total accordingly; and 5) amending Section 3.B.3.f., Department of Environmental Management, by increasing the Environmental Protection and Sustainability Program - Solid Waste Management Fund, by $20,000 under Category A (Salaries), and $611,044 under Category B (Operations), and adjusting the appropriation totals accordingly; and
2. FILING of communication.