Recommending the following:
1. FIRST READING of resolution to place on the next General Election ballot the question of whether the Revised Charter of the County of Maui (1983), as amended, should be amended to allow attorneys within the Office of Council Services, in addition to the attorneys within the Department of the Corporation Counsel, to serve as legal advisors to the Council and its members, and to allow the Council to designate, by a two-thirds vote of its entire membership, attorneys within the Office of Council Services as special counsel to serve as legal representatives for any special matter presenting a real necessity; and
2. FILING of communication.
With reference to this agenda item, one or more executive meetings are anticipated pursuant to Section 92-5(a)(4), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to consult with legal counsel on questions and issues pertaining to the powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities of the County, the Council, and the Committee.