Recommending the following:
1. FIRST READING of bill to amend the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget by 1) increasing Carryover/Savings from the Water Fund by $261,000; 2) increasing the appropriation by $261,000 under the Department of Water Supply, Countywide, Water Supply, Water Fund - Unrestricted, for Countywide Upgrades and Replacements projects;
2. FIRST READING of bill to amend the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, Appendix C, Capital Improvement Projects, by 1) increasing the appropriation by $261,000 under the Department of Water Supply, Countywide, for the Countywide Upgrades and Replacements project; and 2) adding the following project descriptions: a) Design and planning improvements to the Upper Kula Water System and b) Construction and planning of a water tank to replace the existing tank at Kamaole Water Treatment Plant; and
3. FILING of communication.