Recommending the following:
1. FIRST READING of bill to amend the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget by 1) increasing Carryover/Savings from the General Fund by $81,137; 2) amending Section 4.F.3., by adding an appropriation of $81,137 under the Department of Parks and Recreation, Kihei-Makena Community Plan Area, Parks and Recreation, General Fund, for the Waipuilani Park Irrigation System project; and 3) adjusting the totals accordingly;
2. FIRST READING of bill to amend the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget, Appendix C, Capital Improvement Projects, by adding the Waipuilani Park Irrigation System and project description under the Department of Parks and Recreation, Kihei-Makena Community Plan Area; and
3. FILING of communication.